18 Wheeler Wreck Questions

What Kind of Evidence Should I Collect an 18 Wheeler Accident?

After an accident with an 18 wheeler, you should try and collect as much evidence as possible. In addition to photos and witness statements, obtaining your police report and any medical records for the treatment of your injuries will greatly help your case. The following list is the information that Kwon Law Firm recommends obtaining after an accident with an 18 wheeler truck.

The Truck Driver’s Information

  • Company Name
  • Driver’s Name
  • Contact Information
  • License Plate Number
  • Vehicle Information
  • Insurance Information
  • Driver’s License Number
  • Truck Driver’s License Number
  • What was being hauled


  • Photos of the damages to both vehicles
  • Any injuries that have been sustained
  • Any other evidence including road conditions and traffic signals
  • Video or audio recordings will be very helpful as well


  • You should ask anyone who witnessed the accident to stay at the scene until the police arrive and take down statements from them.

What are the most common causes of 18 Wheeler wrecks?

Common causes include lack of training and inexperience. Mechanical problems with the truck are also common, such as being overloaded, oversized, having defective brakes, or poor maintenance. Drivers who are distracted, tired, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs can also lead to an wreck. It is important that you hire an attorney immediately to really dive into the company of the 18 wheeler to determine why there was a wreck and determine if any of these factors were in play.

Who can I sue for my injuries in an 18 Wheeler wreck?

An investigation will determine if there could be more than one person or entity responsible for damages. In all cases, the truck driver can be sued. If there is a trucking company involved, the trucking company that either owns the truck or employs the driver can also be sued. If there are mechanical issues regarding components of the truck, then certain manufacturers can become involved as well.

How do I know if the settlement being offered to me from the insurance company is enough?

This is one of the main reasons you should have your own personal injury attorney at your side. They have the experience necessary to work with the insurance companies to get you every penny owed. Personal injury attorneys have the experience and knowledge to know if you are getting a fair settlement for your case.

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